Exotic Music – Genjek – Vocal Percussion
My world travels have truly been ones of discovery. I was in a taxi in rural Bali when the driver put in a cassette of really crazy music. “What is that!” IRead More…
My world travels have truly been ones of discovery. I was in a taxi in rural Bali when the driver put in a cassette of really crazy music. “What is that!” IRead More…
More Fantastic New Music from Sonic Safari Music! Exotic Music Exotic Music represents some of the most amazing music I’ve recorded around the world. Some of these cuts represent the first everRead More…
I love exotic music. But what on earth is “Exotic Music”? There are many words to describe what it is but maybe we can eliminate what it isn’t. It certainly isn’t somethingRead More…
Mask Music, Islamic Women Rice Pounders, Sadimara Genjek, and Kick Box Music. Over the years of travel and exploration I have encountered some astounding cultures whose rituals and customs are very compelling.Read More…