Morocco is another of my favorite places to visit. The vibrant colors, aromatic spice smells, friendly smiles and amazing music draws me there. Here are just a few of my photographs fromRead More…
Morocco is another of my favorite places to visit. The vibrant colors, aromatic spice smells, friendly smiles and amazing music draws me there. Here are just a few of my photographs fromRead More…
I love to travel and always try to take fun, interesting photos. Here are some for your enjoyment. Monkeys groom each other in one of the many “Monkey Forests” in Bali IRead More…
It is always a pleasure to visit Peru. My first visit was in the 70’s. I have returned many times to film and record fantastic music and dance. Each region is soRead More…
My world travels have truly been ones of discovery. I was in a taxi in rural Bali when the driver put in a cassette of really crazy music. “What is that!” IRead More…
A few weeks ago I was in the Jungles of Costa Rica. My brother and I went down to do some explorations. I always love wandering through the rainforest and am amazedRead More…
My exotic Sonic Safari world travels have taken me to some very strange places to document amazing events. Here are just a few examples: Recording a Ute/Navaho Peyote Ceremony inside a primitiveRead More…
Do you enjoy strange and exotic music? Need some music to relax to? Well Sonic Safari Music has a wide range of unique music, including relaxation music to soothe your nerves afterRead More…